Hello! Hope all is well to everyone. Aki is playing her 1st round Qualifying here in Hobart tomorrow. She will play Emmanuelle Gagliardi from Switzerland 2nd match after 10 in the morning. Aki is very excited to play her first match of 2007 in preperation for Australian Open. Aki has played Gagliardi a couple times, once in 2004 US Open and in Eastbourne last year, Aki won both times so hopefully it will go her way tomorrow. The qualifying is very strong this year, would be a main draw in most WTA events, but will be good matches leading up to Melbourne.

Aki has had a great couple days of practice, actually we played a set yesterday. Aki and I are competitive and we always have a bet on the line. Our bets are usually for a drink, dinner, or sometimes money. This time we played for lunch...and I won 7-6 (7-5) in the breaker!! Was a really good set, very high quality. A very very good lunch....For me atleast!!!

Nakamura and Fuda both arrived yesterday from New Zealand and last night Aki and I went to dinner with Natsuki son. It was very nice to see Natsuki son since I haven't seen him since AIG in October.

Got some good news today when we found out Aki's trainer will be coming to Hobart on Saturday. Originally, Kotani son was going to arrive today but was very sick with a fever. I am excited for him to come down, he is such a great trainer and really takes care of Aki's body. I try to do my best with stretching Aki everyday and sometimes giving a massage, but Kotani son is the best!

Well, going to bed now. Looking forward to the match tomorrow and I will update you on how it goes. Wish us good luck!
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