Would like to first say Happy New Year to everyone. 2006 was a good year I believe for Akiko and I. Had a rough start with the injuries, but Akiko worked very hard and finished in the top 100 for the 4th straight year. Again, it has been a great off seaon and I believe that 2007 will be a fantastic year!

Well we arrived in Hobart on 30th, not before me making a mistake on what airline we were taking from Sydney to Hobart. We are standing in the line to check in at Virgin Blue and the lady is saying she doesn't see our names on that flight. There was no internet, so I couldn't show her our reservation number. Then she asks if I am sure we aren't on Quantas Airlines to Hobart, then lighting struck in my mind as I remembered we were actually on Quantas not Virgin Blue!! Luckily there was plenty of time to go to Quantas check in and we arrived on time in Hobart!

We have had a great few days of prctce. Since we arrived pretty early, not many of the players had arrived yet, so we could have the practice court for as long as we wanted. On New Years evening, Aki and I just went to dinner at a seafood restaurant and with Aki's new computer she has, we were able to watch Ultimate Fighting live from Japan. The new computer is unbelievable, I have to check if they have this system in the US, would be nice if I could watch some American channels on my computer!

Well thats all that is happening so far from Hobart. Sign in is on Thrsday and Aki will play 1st round Qualies on Friday. Will update you later this week. Wish everyone a wonderful 2007!
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