We arrived in Tokyo on Thursday morning, getting ready for the Toray Pan Pacific Open. Aki is in qualifying here, which starts on Saturday. Had a good few days practice up in Osaka, which the courts we practiced at were very fast, so I think that helped with the transition to playing on the carpet courts here in Tokyo.

We came down to Tokyo on the fast train, which I have to say I really like. Just feels very relaxed, takes like two and half hours, so a nice little nap and before you know it you have arrived. We ship our bags the night before, so when we arrived at the hotel, they were already here. I guess, here in Japan, they charge you by the size of the bg, not the weight like they do in the US. If I were to ship the bag, how heavy it was, would have cost a lot in the US. Just think the whole system is fantastic here and the transportation system in Japan is the best in the world.

Aki is scheduled to play tomorrow 6th match after 10:00 against Lisa Raymond. It scheduled late because Raymond is arriving tonight from the doubles in Melbourne. They played a few times now, so both girls know each others game. I think it will be a good match and hopefully will go our way! Well, wish us good luck and I will update you on how the match went.
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