hi there :)
im here in Seoul. we got here about 4pm yesterday
and hit for about an hour with Angie Haynes
who took same flight with us from Guangzhou.
we played some games and after hitting with her,
did some drills with dad
untill 18:30
went back to the hotel had Bibinbap and Tijimi( im sure i spelled wrong)
it was yummy! and the Quality of food is much better than
last week. to me..specially Bread and Western stuff..

anyways i play on 3rd match today against Korean WC.
i will try to win to make MD by not only just do my best.
please give me big suuport from Japan.
or all of theworld :)


(sorry about my broken English
not even broken. poor?)
2009年09月19日  [Web全体に公開]
2009年09月19日  [Web全体に公開]
【閲覧中】in Seoul.Korea
2009年09月19日  [Web全体に公開]
2009年09月17日  [Web全体に公開]
2009年09月16日  [Web全体に公開]


  1. bysupporter on 2009年9月19日 @14時03分

    well, if u keep on writing the comments of blog in English, you will get more your big fan all over the world lol.
    anyway go for it in Seoul!!

  2. by藤原里華 on 2009年9月19日 @23時12分

    is that true!? please try again with only English(or maybe i will try)
    anyways,i will try to update my blog more in English..to improve..bit more..
    あ、ほんとだ 英語だけだとできない。。。なるほど~