hi everyone.
i just lost to Yurika Sema in 2sets.
first set,i think i was not aggressive enough.
she was taking advantage in rally.
i had some good points.
what i was trying to do was ok.
Yurika was running well (which i was expecting)
but i just could not be consistant
than her.
she had good serve and i could not break her serve
much.(or at all)

but the good thing is i am definately playing
and i know what i have to do now.
i haven't had this good feeling
for long time. so should be better.
if i keep trying hard.

i will have to wait if there are chance of
Lucky Losers.and
i am going to practice this afternoon.
oh by the way.it is raining today
and we played in indoor.
and Superviser has just told us
that all the matches has been cancelled..
ok i go hit.
i hope i can play better in Japan.
just focus on what i need to do!
since i clearly see the vision of my tennis.
never give up!
i am happy that im improving(slowly!)
2009年09月22日  [Web全体に公開]
・going home ...
2009年09月21日  [Web全体に公開]
【閲覧中】not so good.but getting better
2009年09月21日  [Web全体に公開]
・playing good :)
2009年09月20日  [Web全体に公開]
・ありがとう その2
2009年09月19日  [Web全体に公開]
